Wordless Wednesday: Competing in Nosework

NW2 Nosework seminar

I encourage anyone that competes in dog sports to attend “Mental Management Principles” with Teah – at Gentle Touch Pet Training. She travels across the country and hosts seminars!

Highlights from the two-day Nosework presentation included:

  • Principles of self-image

Remember – every time you picture something you improve the probability of it happening!

  • Principle of reinforcement:

When you leave Nosework – talk about what went well and what you learned.

  • Principle OF balance:

When the conscious, subconscious and self-image all work together performance is easy.

This is just a taste – but the second day we did a ton of work with Walter so wanted to share these  – a container search for the ten handlers working with their dogs.




There are 14 Comments

  1. Emma says:

    OMD! Teah is holding the seminar Mom is doing to next weekend and she has a working spot on Sunday too! We can’t wait! This weekend Bailie has an NW1 trial and I have an NW3 (we are so excited and terrified all in one). We wish the seminar was first, but we will do our best and see how it goes. So excited for the next two weeks!

    • No WAY!!!!! You’re going to love the seminar. The first day is all about you and it’s amazing – I’ll be putting into practice all the techniques for sure. Then the working audit spot is SO worth it – we worked on NW3 hides all day which for us was exciting since we’re NW1. She critiques and you apply what you learned during each of the searches. I’m SO happy she’s coming – it was a very exhausting weekend but worth every second. SUPER good luck to you with your trials although you will not need it bc you both ROCK at nosework. It’s almost better to have the trials and then the seminar… ALL THE BEST!!

      • Emma says:

        Thanks. I’m so excited for the next two weekends I could just jump up and down. Emma’s instructor Jeff McMahon, knows Teah which is why she is coming here. Can’t wait, and we get her book too. Probably will take Bailie for the working spot as she works differently and sometimes lacks focus, but we will see how the trials go first. Stay tuned on social media this weekend and our blog next week to see how it goes.

  2. Lindsay says:

    I bet you learned a ton about yourself and less about your dogs. The course sounds really fantastic, and informative!

    • I did –it was very much about handling skills and there were some self help themes that I really benefited from. In fact it was basically a human driven preso wrapped around dog handling. You’re spot on.

  3. I can’t wait to hear more about it. Looks like you learned a lot!

    • I learned a lot about my techniques in dog handling so it was good for me. I get really nervous – so it helped a lot with that. 🙂

  4. Jean Dion says:

    I love the idea of visualization. I try to use that technique in my day-to-day life (picturing meeting my deadlines or not getting stuck in traffic, etc.). Even if it doesn’t work, I end up feeling better about the situation. Now, I’ll have to try it with dog/cat training, too!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    • Me too: I was skeptical but clearly using techniques like visualization are key in anything you do. And just to breathe before something that gives me immense anxiety. Please do and perhaps check out her books as they provide tips and how to apply them to dog sports! Thanks!

  5. I’m learning so much about nose work from you and Emma at GBGV. Great job!

    • Thank you! Emma has way more experience than Walter and Shermie so it’s super fun to read her posts and how they approach the sport!

  6. Emma says:

    Loved the seminar and working spot on the weekend! I’ll post about it on Friday. I had a lot of the things already in place, but didn’t understand how all the pieces really come together. I asked Teah, and she remembered you from your seminar 🙂

    • Hi! How awesome is Teah? I think the working spot was my favorite part – I loved applying what I learned that a.m. and the day before. Cannot wait to read your post. I really needed help with my mental game and what I was doing before a trial-during and after. Staying positive too instead of beating myself up about what I did wrong… omg, she was probably like, oh yea the crazy lady with her Doxie!! 🙂 I was surrounded by Elite dogs and folks like you in NW3! It was super intimidating but learned a ton from watching. SO glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. I was exhausted!