Pack Post: What We’re Thankful For


I’m thankful for many things this year but what are the dogs thankful for? Let’s ask them!

  1. Walter: I’m thankful for time with Dad this weekend. Spending quality time on long walks is the best thing on this planet!
  2. Bruiser: I’m grateful Mom sewed my new bed back up after Walter tore the stuffing out this afternoon… Walter!
  3. Shermie: I’m thankful I finally had my sutures removed and I can run really fast again, not loving the rain though…

I’m especially thankful for this blog – and sharing things I’ve learned from my pack of three hounds. I cherish every moment with them and Mike!

Happy Thanksgiving to every human and their four legged friends! Stay safe this weekend – no leftovers for the dogs! XO ~Caplan pack

*Shameless plug: Check back here Friday as the massive #houndsandholidays giveaway kicks off!





There are 2 Comments

  1. Jan K says:

    We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!